Generac Nextdoor Profile

Your local PML Generac Dealer/Installer/Service tech and neighbor for Clean Energy Systems using solar, battery storage and LPV generators. Electrical Contractor license# 858377, offering customers energy independence, reliability and utility bill savings.

* Generac sales, installation, maintenance and warranty service

* Briggs-Stratton sales, installation, maintenance and warranty service

*Local PML parts warehouse

* Highly rated installation teams

* Local response times to PML

* After sales support

* Physical inspections

* Factory schedule B maintenance

* One year Service Agreement with new installation

* Factory trained service technician

* Permits

* All calls answered within business hours

* Emergency calls; PML response time

* SOL Training Service Agreement for existing customers

* Quotes good for 5 days

* Mother Lode Answering Service 24/7

* 650-681-9445